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Wanna Bee....a Beekeeper?

There is something about beekeeping which lends itself to puns. We BEElieve so anyway.

We are looking for an aspiring beekeeper. Is that you? Would you like to learn more about beekeeping? Do you live within easy traveling distance of Paisley? Would you eventually like to start your own hives and keep bees yourself one day? Can you commit to weekly inspections during the warmer months to ensure the health of the bees? This opportunity is free but unpaid. You'll be walking in the footsteps of beekeepers who have embraced this way of learning through the ages. Spend a season learning with us and then nurture your own bees.

We are looking for a mentee.

Mentoring a new beekeeper over the course of a year is a profound journey that mirrors the cyclical nature of beekeeping itself. Like the bees' lifecycle from spring to winter, this mentorship unfolds through seasons of growth, challenges, and abundance. In the spring, as the bees emerge from winter hibernation, the mentor imparts foundational knowledge on hive management, colony inspection, and swarm prevention. As the season progresses into summer, the mentor guides the apprentice through the bustling activity of the hive, teaching them about honey production, pest management, and hive expansion. By autumn, as the bees prepare for winter, the mentor shares insights on honey harvesting, winterization techniques, and hive health assessments. Throughout this cycle, the mentor not only teaches practical skills but also instills reverence for the bees and their vital role in the ecosystem. They encourage the apprentice to develop a deep connection to the bees, fostering a sense of stewardship and responsibility for their well-being. By the end of the year, the apprentice emerges not only as a skilled beekeeper but also as a custodian of this ancient tradition, poised to pass on their knowledge to future generations.

The beekeeping season will soon be upon us and we have lots of exciting things planned for this year. New technology, new products to develop and much more - all while looking after our colonies, learning and nurturing your future bees.

If you would like to have a ten minute chat about whether this is the type of opportunity you would like then just get in touch through the contact page of our website and we will set up a call.

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